A blog by a guy, figuring out what he is doing and why

About Me

Hey guys!

I am Brahm.

Mechanical engineer by education and roboticist by interest, things I love the most are implementing fresh ideas, solving problems, the open source philosophy and the hacker way of life. I love writing code, particularly for systems that interact with the real world.

After graduation in 2014, I worked for a year at Thorogood Associates, a Business Intelligence and Analytics company until recently. Subsequently, I worked at Bolt 3D, a successful 3D printing startup based in Chennai. For the past year, I was pursuing masters in Control Systems at University of California, San Diego. However, due to a medical emergency in my immediate family, I have had to withdraw and return in India. Currently, I am on the lookout for stable employment opportunities where I can contribute long term, learn, grow, and add value to my employer.

Documentation has never been my strong suite. This blog is a way to rectify that. Firstly, its about the various things I have done, and still remember! Most importantly however, its a way for me to (finally) document all my future work.

Feel free to explore, analyse, comment or criticize.

Porting Kinect drivers - first images from Kinect using ROS on TI Pandaboard

Porting Kinect drivers - first images from Kinect using ROS on TI Pandaboard

P.S – This is a (new) work in progress. So over the next few days, I will be adding 3-4 of my projects daily. Hopefully end of a few weeks, I will have a completed blog and can keep it up to date then on.