A blog by a guy, figuring out what he is doing and why


While serving primarily as a portal to showcase my current and future projects, this website is many other things. It is also a learning exercise since its my first sincere effort at building a personal website that is minimalist yet customizable. Additionally, it is one of the two main products I am building as part of the 100-days-of-code challenge. I also find it a refreshingly effective tool for streamlining my ideas, aligning efforts with my goals.

These days I am looking for stable employment opportunities that involve a ton of coding. Meanwhile, I am working towards updating my portfolio and consolidating my current skillset by learning something every day. I will be posting my explorations in a series of technical articles. Additionally, I will also be writing about my experiences during the period.

If you are interested, you can find my up to date Resume here and more info on the about page.

As I have come to realize, a chronicle of how one spends time is, in the long run, invaluable.